Published on: 9/21/2015IST

Top 10 Leadership Lessons from Chanakya

User Image Anuj Tiwari Last updated on: 9/21/2015, Permalink

Back in 4th century B.C., a philosopher-statesman Chanakya a.k.a. Kautilya wrote the first few principles of administrative management. Widely regarded as India's first economist, his management theories guided royalty from times immemorial.

Kautilya documented his life's labour in the Arthashastra, a list of principles that would ensure sound governance. The book is known more for its contents on economy and polity, but also contains advice on financial management and administration. While a lot of his management principles have been subject to extensive study, his leadership lessons are also more than relevant in today's society.

Business Insider India unfurls a bounty of Vedic wisdom from Chanakya for modern day managers and administrators.

Don't have to touch the fire

Honesty isn't always the best policy

Fake it till you make it

Face your fears

Everything teaches you something

Know what works

Think. Plan. Go

Marketers know this best

Work hard

All said and done you're alone







9/21/2015 | | Permalink